In the fight against erectile dysfunction, not only strong drugs are used, but also traditional medicine. They are freely available and rarely cause side effects. Particularly popular is ginger to increase potency in men, the recipes of which can be found in large quantities. It has a positive effect on the reproductive system and on the whole organism.

Composition and useful properties of ginger
Pharmacy ginger is a perennial plant, the root of which is used as medicine and spice. The positive properties of ginger for men's health are due to the content of a large number of nutrients and vitamins. That consists of:
- Zinc.Participates in the process of immunity formation and is responsible for the production of insulin. It stimulates the testicles by controlling the testosterone levels in the body.
- The iron. It participates in metabolic processes, facilitating the supply of oxygen to the genitals. Able to improve the functioning of the internal secretion of the reproductive system.
- Magnesium. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system. It helps reduce irritability and removes radioactive substances from the body.
- Vitamin C. Its function is to produce new cells. The vitamin increases the number of viable sperm.
- Amino acids. They ensure the transmission of impulses from nerve cells to vital organs and the replenishment of energy.
- organic acids. They take part in oxidative processes, as a result of which toxic substances are released.
- Phosphorus.Responsible for metabolic reactions of the body. Promotes the production of phospholipid lecithin, which increases the level of sex hormones.
Ginger is used for male potency and general strengthening of the body. With regular use, it boosts immunity and improves digestive function. In addition, it acts as a powerful antiseptic of natural origin. The plant extract is found in many drugs to boost potency.

How does ginger affect potency
If you use ginger for potency for a long time, you can achieve a stable erection and reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. The mechanism of a positive effect on erection is due to the following properties of the root:
- stimulation of hormone production;
- improve blood flow by cleaning the vascular cavity;
- treatment of erectile dysfunction by fighting against premature ejaculation;
- strengthen the nervous system;
- increased libido.
Men introduce the root in the diet with low testosterone levels and psychological impotence. The desired effect is achieved with regular use of ginger. It increases sexual activity and saturates intimate life with new impressions. For overweight men, the plant root helps to lose weight faster.
How to take ginger to increase potency
Ginger for potency is most often used fresh and pickled. Small pieces are added to the tea. The drink acquires a specific sharpness and a warming aroma. Recipes for cooking dishes, snacks and decoctions from ginger are not particularly difficult.
Composition of ginger honey
Ginger is often used with honey to increase potency. It enhances the positive effect of root cultivation on the male reproductive system. The ginger-honey composition is also considered an effective remedy in the treatment of colds. It is prepared as follows:
- The peeled and thoroughly washed root is rubbed on a fine grater.
- It is necessary to add bee honey to the ginger mass in a ratio of 1: 1.
- The drug is infused under the lid in a dark place for a week.
- The finished drug is taken orally for 1 tbsp. I. 1 to 2 times a day.

Ginger tincture
To prepare the tincture, you will need 500 ml of an alcohol base, 2 lemons and 50 g of chopped root. In the ginger mass, add lemon, crushed in a meat grinder. The resulting porridge is filled with alcohol.
For 2 weeks the tincture is ready. In the process of infusion, it is necessary to periodically stir the remedy.
Take ginger tincture on vodka to increase potency should be three times a day, 2 tablespoons. I.
Wine medicine is made in the same way. The taste of the finished tincture is enriched with vanilla and cinnamon. The drink is ready for a week.

ginger tea
Ginger tea is a popular winter drink. It creates a warm atmosphere, helps to warm up faster and strengthens the immune system. It is brewed in a standard teapot. Several slices of roots and additional ingredients are poured into it. For 15 minutes the drink is infused. To enrich its taste, we will help cardamom, a slice of lemon, cinnamon, sugar or honey. Ginger tea for improving potency is as effective as organic supplements and herbal teas. Its advantage lies in the pleasant taste and the absence of side effects.

ginger coffee
Ginger for potency can be used in various drinks. Often a mixture with ginger powder is added to coffee. To prepare it, you need to carefully grind the slices of ginger, cardamom, rosemary and cinnamon. Store the resulting mixture preferably in a separate jar with a closed lid. Before making the coffee 1 tbsp. the powder is added to the cup. To make the drink sweeter, just add 1 teaspoon to it. Sahara.

pickled root
Pickled ginger can be eaten in combination with any dish. It goes perfectly with meat and fish. Rice and various types of cereals are used as a side dish. The marinade does not reduce the positive properties of the root. Ginger affects male potency extremely positively.

Ginger lemonade
Ginger for prostatitis and impotence is used to make lemonade. The drink is specific, but tasty. 3 art. I. chopped root should be poured into a container with 1 liter of boiling water. After boiling, you need to add the juice of one orange and 4 tbsp. Honey. Add a few mint leaves if desired. Instead of orange, you can make a drink with lemon. After 2-3 minutes of boiling, the product is removed from the heat. It is taken both hot and cold.

Contraindications and side effects
Ginger root is a reliable remedy for impotence. But caution is advised when using it. It is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:
- the presence of kidney stones,
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- increased body temperature;
- deviations in the work of the liver;
- high blood pressure;
- calculous cholecystitis.
With excessive use of a decoction or fresh root, side effects are observed. Among them are severe nausea, burning in the epigastrium and headache. If a man has a predisposition to allergies, the root can cause rashes.
If you use ginger wisely, it will be possible to normalize erectile function quite quickly and without harm to health. It is important to respect the regularity of use and to take account of the contraindications.